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Thinking Torah Blog

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		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Rabbi Josh Whinston		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Thursday, Jul 25th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif;">This past Sunday, many members of TBE joined me on a Zoom call with Rabbi Arik Ascherman from the West Bank, along with Palestinian villagers his organization, Torat Tzedek, has been defending. Rabbi Ascherman described the escalating situation, where a de facto policy is forcing Palestinians off their grazing lands and out of their villages, allowing extremist settlers to take over these...</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/thinking-torah-blog?post_id=1572775" class="slider_link"
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Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784