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Support TBE's Annual Campaign

We have reached our goal of $54,000!  

Thank you so much to all that have donated.  There is still time for us reach our goal of 25% of our members participating in our annual campaign.

Every gift counts and you can make it count for TBE this year!

Thank you!

Your donation helps us serve the Jewish community by ensuring we remain an inclusive community regardless of a member's financial capacity to contribute. Inclusivity has been an enduring value of Temple Beth Emeth since our founding and your donation today helps make that possible.




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Thinking Torah Blog

  • 		                                		                                    <a href="/thinking-torah-blog?post_id=1615342"
		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Vayechi		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_author">
		                                	Rabbi Josh Whinston		                                </span>
		                                		                                <span class="blog_date">
		                                	Thursday, Jan 9th		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description"><p>Many of us are likely familiar with the practice of saying the second line of the Sh’ma quietly or at least in a quieter voice than the first line. The origin of this tradition comes from the Talmud. In Pesachim 56a, regarding this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, we read: “Jacob’s sons said to him: Hear Israel, our father, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One. That is: Just as there is only one God in your heart, so too, there is only one...</span>
		                            		                            		                            <a href="/thinking-torah-blog?post_id=1615342" class="slider_link"
		                            	Read More		                            </a>


Mon, January 13 2025 13 Tevet 5785