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Dayenu Circle

"There is such a wealth of resources on this Dayenu page, that everybody can find something that appeals to them in fighting climate change." - Elli Gurfinkel

We Are Dayenu, a movement of American Jews confronting the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and bold political action. We care deeply about equity and justice in our world and about the future we create for our children and future generations. We believe that together, drawing from our Jewish tradition, experience, and faith, we have the power to create real and lasting change.

Global warming does not create our weather patterns but intensifies and accelerates them. These climate changing impacts are now accelerating in strength and duration here in Southeast Michigan. Instances of flooding, wind damage and power loss from extreme storms are becoming more common, and Southeast Michigan’s infrastructure is ill equipped to handle the increasing volume of storm water and wind velocities we are now experiencing. In other areas there have been instances of drought, extreme heat waves and wildfires (Pacific Northwest); increasing strength and regularity of Atlantic hurricanes (Atlantic Coastal areas), and extreme winter storms that brought debilitating ice damage and electrical and heating loss (Texas). Impacts such as these will only increase if we do not change business or lifestyle as usual.

We need to make changes to our lifestyle that reduce our burden on the natural world as well as the built environment. We offer recommendations of actions to moderate our own impacts and make our voices heard for sensible legislation and regulations that will reduce our carbon dependency and increase clean energy sources. 

10 Ways You Can Fight Climate Change

Join us! Our TBE Dayenu group meets monthly on zoom on the fourth Wednesday at 7 p.m. Join the Zoom HERE.

The Dayenu Circle has criteria for deciding which programs to get involved with - check out our criteria and decision-making model HERE.

For information, contact Elli Gurfinkel, TBE Dayenu Circle Chair,

Genesis of Ann Arbor Green Guidelines

Workshops & Teach-ins

In 2022-23, the TBE Dayenu Circle partnered with 6 other Ann Arbor congregations to host a workshop series entitled Reducing Your Carbon Footprint. Topics included electric cars, solar energy, heating and cooling, locally-sourced food, individual behavior choices and climate anxiety, local transportation, and investments in our planet. CLICK HERE for the recordings of those workshops and the slide shows used by the presenters.

We also partnered with 7 different congregations on the First Annual A2 Climate Teach-In. Over 225 people attended a day full of networking and climate change information. CLICK HERE to learn more and get involved in next year’s Teach-In.

In May 2024, The TBE Dayenu Circle hosted a Community Solar workshop. Julie Roth from the City of Ann Arbor and John Freeman from Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association were the presenters. CLICK HERE for the workshop recording.


Microplastic pollution in the Huron River

Resources for Discussing Climate Change with Children

Recording (Dec. 6, 2021): What Is Being Done to Combat Climate Change? What Is Not Being Done? How Can You Help?

What is Climate Change?

NASA’s Global Climate Change Website

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate website

NOAA Pacific Northwest Heat Wave

NOAA Climate Literacy: Understanding Climate

How Much CO2 Are We Emitting?

Learn about Carbon Pricing for Fighting Climate Change

Carbon Pricing Short Video – with a little humor


		                            <span class="slider_description">Solar Panels on the roof of the TBE campus.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Solar Panels on the roof of the TBE campus.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Solar Panels on the roof of the TBE campus.</span>



Climate Change Health and Promotion Act

Protect Our Health from Climate Change

Biden Administration Plan

Shut Down Line 5

Tell Congress: Prioritize Climate Action

Michigan Climate Action Support

Jewish Earth Alliance Action Alerts

Tell Congress: Enact a Clean Energy Standard

Take Action on Electric Buses

Include Carbon Pricing in the Budget Reconciliation, Senate

Include Carbon Pricing in the Budget Reconciliation, House

Op Ed: Community Health Matters to Ann Arbor’s Plans for Climate Change

Draft MI Healthy Climate Plan

DTE Energy Monroe, MI Powerplant


Sources and Impacts

IPCC Report

Learning About Climate Change

10 Climate Change Facts

Preparing for Climate Change

EPA State Level Impact

Midwest Climate Assessment

What You Need to Know about Climate Change

CDC Heat and Health Tracker



Grocery bag and plastic film recycling program: You can bring your clean and dry plastic grocery bags and plastic film (pallet wrapping material, cleaner’s bags) to the collection box in the TBE coat closet – Dayenu members will take it in for recycling.

Simple #WaterActions You Can Take

Must read environmental books

10 Ways You Can Fight Climate Change

10 Things You Can Do

Act on Climate Change

Keep the Air Clean

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Eat Low Carbon

Fit to Eat

Conserve Water at Home

A2Zero Energy Saving Behaviors

A2Zero Plan

A2Zero Waste Management

51 Ways to Restore Our Earth

Youth – Take Action in Your Home and Community

Climate Change in Ann Arbor

Saving Energy at Home

Free Home Energy Products & Consultation

MIGreenPower Renewable Energy Programs

Solar in Ann Arbor

Michigan Saves Clean Energy Financing

Find a Clean Energy Contractor

Registry of Sustainable Electronics

Get Involved in Ann Arbor Sustainability

Carbon Neutrality at Home

Washtenaw Trash to Treasure Guide

Ann Arbor Refill Station & Zero Waste Shop

Easy Steps Toward Sustainability

45 Sustainability Resources You Need to Know

Scarlett-Mitchell Neighborhood Resilience Resources

Farmers Markets and CSA List

“Harvesting a participatory movement”: Initial participatory action research with the Jewish Farmers Network

Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784