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Terri A. Ginsburg Religious & Hebrew School

Welcome to the Terri A. Ginsburg Religious & Hebrew School!

We offer thoughtful, fun, creative, and engaging Jewish educational experiences for learners ages 3 to 18. Our program runs from September to April, with exciting opportunities for all ages throughout the year. We educate and inspire our students to thrive as Jewish individuals, both now and in the future!

View the School's Health and Safety Policy HERE

View the Online 2024-2025 School Calendar HERE

Download the 2024-2025 School Calendar HERE

Program Schedule:
Shabbat B’Yakhad for Pre-school 3 through 5th Grade
       Early Session: 8:30 - 10:15 a.m.
       Late Session: 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Hebrew School
        Sunday: In-Person 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
        Wednesday: In-Person 4:30  - 6:00 p.m.

Religious School for 6th-12th Grades
       Sunday: 5:30 - 6:00 p.m - Pizza Dinner (availability based on community
                       COVID levels, as stated in health and safety policy)
                   6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Classes, in person



School Curriculum

Each grade level in the Terri A. Ginsburg Religious & Hebrew School enjoys its own student focused and inclusive curriculum. Below, we present a general overview and some highlights for each grade:

Pre-School 3
• Dynamic and active approach for students and parents to explore Jewish holidays, symbols, and customs together
• Meets once a month on Saturday mornings from 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Pre-School 4
• Finding personal resonance in Torah stories, including holiday narratives
• Meets weekly on Saturday mornings from 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

• Bible Stories (Creation through Moses)
• Holiday Symbols & Celebration

First Grade
• Introduction to Tzedakah & Mitzvot
• Bible Stories (Moses through Jonah)
• Jewish Holidays

Second Grade
• Jewish Symbols and Ritual Objects
• Our Synagogue: the Place, the People, the Symbols
• Torah:  Its Creation, Its Parts, Its Importance
• Jewish Holidays
• Trip to Matthaei Botanical Gardens to celebrate Tu B’Shevat

Third Grade
• Connections between Torah and Jewish Values
• Jewish Holidays
• Hebrew School begins with aural and oral learning of primary liturgy

Fourth Grade
• Jewish Ritual and Ritual Items
• Jewish Lifecycle
• Hebrew - continues aural and oral learning of siddur liturgy and songs

Fifth Grade
• Exploring Jewish Heroism throughout History
• Hebrew - decoding skills using the Hebrew alef-bet and vowels

Sixth Grade
• Jewish Sacred Reading
• Hebrew - combines decoding skills and aural/oral foundation for deep prayer learning
• Shabbat worship

Seventh Grade
• Israel: Am (People), Eretz (Land), and Medina (State)
• Individual Bat/Bar Mitzvah preparation

Eighth Grade
• Jewish Memory and History
• The American Jewish Experience
• End of Year trip to New York City

Confirmation – Ninth & Tenth Grades
• Led by Rabbi Josh Whinston
• Explores the personal nature and experiences of Judaism
• Examines public policy and decision making before taking part in L’taken, an advocacy program through the Religious Action Center
• Preparations for Confirmation Dinner and Service

11th-12th Grade
• Adapts each year to the specific interests and needs of our students

School Program Overview

Shabbat B’Yakhad meets on Saturday mornings in 2 sessions:
First Session – 8:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Second Session – 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Often their first foray into formal Jewish education, our Shabbat B'Yachad (Shabbat Together) program introduces our children to Shabbat and other Jewish holiday celebration, Jewish values, and a wide spectrum of engaging Jewish exploration. Each grade explores its own curriculum, ranging from learning about our synagogue and the people who lead it in 2nd grade to evaluating the heroic efforts of Jews and non-Jews throughout history in our 5th grade class.
At the beginning of first session and the end of second session, Rabbi Whinston, Cantor Maier, lead a 20-minute Jewish worship experience for grades 1-5.  All students regularly visit our Library and enjoy a Jewish music class.

Upper school meets Sunday evenings from 6-7pm. The students enjoy learning in a relaxed atmosphere. Curricula includes Sacred Reading, Teen Transitions, Tzedakah, Memory and History, Confirmation for 9th and 10th graders, and 11/12th grade seminars.

TBE’s Hebrew School educates students to engage more fully in Jewish worship and prepares them to become B’nai Mitzvah. Students in grades 3-6 participate in Hebrew School, meeting once per week, either Sunday in person from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m., or Wednesday in person 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.

Madrichimot serve as classroom assistants in our preschool and elementary school classes.  They enrich our school by providing teachers with extra help and serving as role models for younger students. Ninth graders can participate in our madrichimot training, preparing them to serve in our school during the spring semester and beyond! 10th-12th graders work in the Saturday Religious School classrooms as well as our Sunday or Wednesday Hebrew School classrooms.

Approximately one year before the B' Mitzvah date, Cantor Maier will meet with the student and parents to give the student their portion and materials and provide information about private B' Mitzvah tutoring. The family then contacts a tutor and sets up a schedule for tutoring. Over the course of study with the tutor, all students will have several appointments with Cantor Maier and Rabbi Whinston.

The library is an integral part of the Religious School curriculum, used both by teachers and students. Each class visits the library multiple times each semester. Please note that books have a two-week loan period. There are many volunteer opportunities for parents. Please come in to browse during Saturday or Sunday Religious School.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785