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2023-2024 TBE Try-It Member Application

Try-It Membership is an opportunity to join TBE for ONLY $360 for the first year. This special rate applies only to families who have never been TBE Members before. (See the Membership Commitment Basic Schedule here).

If you need any assistance completing the form, please contact Victoria Gross, Account Administrator,

Please Note: Temple Beth Emeth does not turn away members based on ability to pay. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bonnie Keen, VP for Finance, 734-945-6162, or Shannon Hall, Executive Director, 734-665-4744,


Thank you for your feedback.

Benefits of Try-It Membership

If you join under the Try-It Membership category, members receive all of the typical member benefits including high holiday tickets, temple announcements and updates, and temple programming.  If applicable - religious school fees will be charged at the regular member rates (less than non-member). Capital contributions can be deferred for the first year- so there are no additional fees.
Please select below.


By typing your name, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784