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L’Shanah Tovah

The fall holy days and festivals are once again on the horizon as we prepare to enter this sacred season. Though Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur might seem distant on our Gregorian calendar, the month of Elul, the month that precedes Rosh Hashanah, begins September 4th. Elul and the coming Holy Days invite us into the heart of Jewish tradition—a time for deep reflection, seeking forgiveness, and renewing our spirits. As the days grow shorter and the air begins to cool, we are called to engage in cheshbon hanefesh, an accounting of our soul. This is a period to thoughtfully consider our actions over the past year—our relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Are there words left unspoken, apologies unoffered, or gratitude unexpressed? Now is the time to reach out, to mend, and to heal.

This past year has been particularly challenging for the Jewish community. With the ongoing war in Israel and Gaza weighing heavily on our hearts, alongside the concerning rise in antisemitism around the world, all of us have been troubled by the unfolding events. These events have tested our resilience and unity, reminding us of the importance of coming together, supporting one another, and finding strength in our tradition. More than ever, we need each other and to feel the embrace of Jewish community.

This year is especially meaningful as we welcome Cantor Emma Maier to our bimah for her first High Holy Days with us. Many of our members have already experienced Cantor Maier in services and community gatherings and know she is an extraordinary addition to our community. We look forward to her beautiful voice and spirit enhancing our worship and guiding us through these sacred days.

We are pleased to share the details of our High Holy Days services, designed to allow everyone to participate, whether in person or online, in whatever way feels most comfortable for you. We hope you will join us in this time of reflection and renewal, whether you choose to be with us in the sanctuary or join our community virtually. You can access our Livestream via our website and Facebook page, and as always, our online services are open to everyone, regardless of membership.

I look forward to coming together and finding comfort and strength in our shared tradition as we embrace the year ahead.

Rabbi Josh Whinston

Download the High Holy Days Schedule at a Glance

Important Security Procedures

• To maintain a safe and secure High Holy Days experience, we are implementing the following protocols:

• Registration is required for members and non-members. Please adhere to the High Holy Day registration deadlines to ensure we have the most up to date registration list.

• Any guests not pre-registered will be required to show a valid picture ID and will be verified in our member database.

• Any guests not verified as a member will be subject to a bag search if a bag is present.


Important Ticket & Registration Information

• Only one registration per account in ShulCloud will be allowed.

• To change registration for any in-person service, please contact the office BEFORE the registration deadline: 734-665-4744 or

• Guest Tickets: $36/person to attend either all Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur services; $72 to attend all HHD services.

• Non-Member Tickets: $180/person to attend either all Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur services; $360 to attend all HHD services.

• College students with valid ID may attend services for free. Please contact the TBE office to register,


Transportation via Caring Community

• For the High Holy Days, if you need a ride to services or can provide a ride to a congregant who needs one, please contact the Caring Community at

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Registration required for all in person services:

For members only:

*PLEASE NOTE: Members must be logged in to receive member pricing and to access the member registration page. If you do not have a login, please contact the office at 734-665-4744 or
*Pre-reader Services are in-person only in the Core.

Non-members may register starting 9/16:

Unless noted otherwise, all services are in person in the TBE Sanctuary

and available on the Live Stream.

Register for in-person before 9/26

8 p.m. | S'lichot Program

9 p.m. | Refreshments

9:30 p.m. | S'lichot Service, In person and via Zoom HERE


Register for in-person before 9/30

8 p.m. | Erev Rosh Hashanah Service


Register for in-person before 9/30

8:30 a.m. |  Rosh Hashanah Family Service.

8:30 a.m. | Rosh Hashanah Pre-Reader Service (ages 5 and below & their parents). In-person only in the TBE Core.

10:00 a.m. | Rosh Hashanah Highlights of the Service

11:15 a.m. | Rosh Hashanah Morning Service

Register for in-person before 9/30

3:15 p.m. | Reverse Tashlich at Gallop Park Canoe Livery, Furstenberg Park

5:15 p.m. | Tashlich at Furstenberg Park


6:30 p.m. | Shabbat Shuvah


10 a.m. | Saturday Shabbat Morning Service


11 a.m. | Kever Avot, Arborcrest Cemetery

2:00 p.m. | Kever Avot, Washtenong Mem. Park

Join our clergy at our cemeteries as they facilitate this meaningful service

Register for in-person before 10/9

8 p.m. | Kol Nidre Service

Register for in-person before 10/10

8:30 a.m. | Yom Kippur Family Service

8:30 a.m. | Yom Kippur Pre-Reader Service (ages 5 and below & their parents) In-person only in the TBE Core.

10:00 a.m. | Yom Kippur Highlights of the Service

11:15 a.m. | Yom Kippur Morning Service

4:00 p.m. | Yom Kippur Meditation Music with Deborah & Ralph Katz. 

4:30 p.m. | Yom Kippur Yizkor Service followed by Yom Kippur Afternoon Service and Neilah Service

7:30 p.m. | WTBE Break-the-Fast (Open to all)


7:30 p.m. | Sukkot Evening Service. In person and Available on Zoom HERE


10 a.m. | Sukkot Morning Service. In person and Available on Zoom HERE


4:30-6:00 p.m. | Sukkah at the Whinston's Home 

6:30 p.m. | Shabbat Services


6:15 p.m. | Simchat Torah Celebration. In person and Available on Zoom HERE 


Register for in-person before 10/22

10 a.m. | Festival and Yizkor Service. In person and Available on Zoom HERE 

7 p.m. | Simchat Torah Event

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The Pre-Reader Service and Family Service are both at 8:30 a.m., in person at Temple Beth Emeth. Bring the whole family!

For both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur:

Family Service: 8:30 a.m. in the TBE Sanctuary

Join our clergy for a service intended for families with children in elementary school.


Pre-Reader Service: 8:30 a.m. in the TBE Core

Join Susan Horowitz, TBE Director of Education, for a service intended for ages 5 and below and their parents.

Registration required for all in person services:

Non-members may register starting 9/16:

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Orders ($55 each) are due by Thursday, September 28, and will be available for pick up at the Yom Kippur Morning Service on Saturday, October 12.

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Temple Beth Emeth is happy to offer one set of lulav & etrog -- available during open office hours* -- for use onsite in the TBE sukkah during Sukkot. Please be prepared to leave car keys, a drivers license or other collateral while using the lulav & etrog.

If you would like to book the TBE sukkah for a private event, please contact Shannon Hall, Executive Director, at or 734-665-4744.

*Drop-In office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10am - 1pm, Wednesdays from 2 - 4 pm, and Fridays from 10am - Noon


Submissions are due by Monday, October 7.

At TBE, including the names of our deceased loved ones in our Yizkor Memorial Book is a meaningful tribute to them and a tangible reflection of their impact on our lives.

Please fill out this form to make changes and additions:

View the 2023 Yizkor Memorial Book

To make a donation to Temple Beth Emeth in memory of your loved ones:

If you have any questions, please contact the TBE office 734-665-4744 or

May the memory of our loved ones always be for blessing.

Jewish mourning is both private and public. When we visit a grave or observe a yahrzeit (anniversary of a person’s death) we generally do so in private. Yizkor is the public observance for the community of the bereaved.

Yizkor means “may (God) remember,” from the Hebrew root zachor. Originally, Yizkor was commemorated only on Yom Kippur. Its primary purpose was to honor the deceased by giving tzedakah (charity) in their memory, on the theory that the good deeds of the survivors elevate the souls of the departed. It also enhanced the chances for personal atonement by doing a deed of lovingkindness. Since the Torah reading on the last day of the pilgrimage festivals (Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot) mentions the importance of donations, Yizkor was added to these holiday services as well.

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Temple Beth Emeth takes the health and safety of our congregation very seriously. We ask that anyone feeling ill or with a fever remain home and attend the services using our Live-Stream or Zoom options.

Masks are optional, though welcome, for all in-person services.

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In celebrating the High Holy Days with our TBE community, Women of Temple Beth Emeth (WTBE) send cards to all members of our congregation.

Donations of as little as $36 will support this beloved custom and get you listed as a signer on the card. The proceeds are used to help sponsor special projects during the period of the High Holy Days.

You can use to donate by September 13.







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To respond to the growing needs of our pantry and the broader community, we are once again running two donation drives: one for the Back Door Food Pantry and one for Food Gatherers.

Please donate to both if you can!


The Backdoor Food Pantry, run by a dedicated team of volunteers predominantly from TBE and St Claire’s and supported by individual donations and generous grants from Food Gatherers, is currently providing hunger relief to a record number of households. On a single Thursday this August, food was distributed to help feed over 550 adults and children; about the same number of people that fill our sanctuary during the Yom Kippur service.

Food Gatherers and the Back Door Food Pantry deeply depend on each other. The Back Door Food Pantry gets all the food it distributes each week from Food Gatherers at low or no cost and Food Gatherers depends on the Back Door Food Pantry and other local food pantries to distribute much needed food to our community.

Every donation is significant.

If your company participates in a corporate matching program, please contact Marc Kessler.

Food Gatherers and the Back Door Food Pantry are equal opportunity providers.


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There are many ways you can contribute to our community during the High Holy Days:

  • General High Holy Days Fund
  • Rabbi Whinston's Discretionary Fund
  • Cantor Emma’s Discretionary Fund
  • Rabbi Chelsea's Discretionary Fund
  • Members Helping Members
  • Religious Education Fund

To make your donation today, please click here:

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Neighborhood/Street Parking: PLEASE do not block driveways or mailboxes. Cars will be towed or ticketed. There is NO parking on Packard St.

Neighborhood parking within 10 minutes of TBE is available on the following streets: South Blvd., Coler Rd., Jorn Ct., Harpst St., Page Ave., Rosewood St., Jewett Ave., Kensington Dr., Marlborough Dr., Pine Valley Blvd., Esch Ave., Independence Blvd., James St., Victoria Ave., Ember Way, Camelot Rd., Ridge Ave., Crestland Dr., Anderson Ave., Ferdon Rd., Devolson Ave., Carhart Ave., Hall Ave., South Blvd., and Steer Pl. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS OR MAILBOXES.

Onsite Parking at TBE:

Due to limited space, lots in the rear, side, and at Eastover are for special needs ONLY.

Space must be reserved in advance. When registering, once you make your selections of services, you will be given an option to indicate any special accommodations.

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Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784