Passover Seder Matching Form
Attending a Seder
Are you looking for a seder to join? Fill out this form with what you are looking for and committee members will contact you with good matches!
Thinking Ahead to Passover: It is a Mitzvah and a Joy to welcome guests into your home for Passover. Please fill out this survey so that you can be matched to someone hosting a seder.
Seder Attending Form - CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who has filled out this form so far. Right now hosts are full at this time. If you have any questions please contact the office at
Preparing for Passover & Young Families Seder - April 14, 2 - 4 p.m.
How to Lead & Enjoy Your Best Seder Yet!!
Join your fellow congregants to learn or brush up on your Passover knowledge, sample Passover treats and schmooze.
Young Family Seder: Young Families Seder for tots, preschoolers, and their parents, with seder-plate-making activity brief seder with songs & story.
On your way out, visit the TBE Gift Shop Passover sale!!!
Online Resources for Passover from the TBE Religious Practices Committee
As you prepare your hearts and homes for Passover, these websites can help you celebrate our freedom and recall our bitter time in slavery.
Passover, Seders, and Celebrating
Pesach 101 - Just the basics
Passover Quiz - If you know the basics, try this quiz on prophets, pilgrimages, and more
Passover Seder: How To Be A Good Guest - An FAQ for attending a Seder
How To Make Your Seder Inclusive - Tips for welcoming non-Jewish people
Passover Around the World
10 Passover Customs from Around the World - Unique traditions to inspire your celebration
9 Things you Didn’t Know About Passover - Why Israelis do one seder, what North African Jews do after Passover, and more
The Seder Plate
The Seder Plate - a review of the symbolism of each item on the seder plate
Seder Plate Coloring Page - children and adults will enjoy coloring this page
Shank Bone - The shank bone is often the most elusive item on the seder plate. This dog treat from Amazon is a great seder plate hack.
Recipes and kosher considerations 
Passover Recipes - Several categories of recipes including main dishes, seder plate items, desserts and more
What is Not OK to Eat - Which foods are customarily avoided
Is Soda Kosher for Passover? - It’s a complicated answer
11 Best Online Haggadot - User-friendly, social justice, kid-friendly, etc.
PJ Library 15 minute seder young children - Includes videos and text
The 10 Minute Seder - For a short seder, try this two page document and helpful video
Quick Videos
Passover Seder- What to Expect - 4 minute video about seders
The Passover Story in 10 Scenes- PJ Library - 3:30 minute video for children
The Four Questions - How to say the “Mah Nishtanah”, includes text and video