Preparing for Passover & Young Families Seder
Sunday, April 14, 2024 • 6 Nisan 5784
2:00 PM - 4:00 PMSocial Hall, CORE, and ClassroomsPesach is coming soon. The TBE Religious Practices Committee invites you to explore fresh ideas for your Seder or celebrate Pesach early with your young children. Gather new recipes, taste some Pesach treats, and enjoy some informal schmoozing time. End your visit by heading up to the WTBE Passover Sale where you can purchase anything you need for a meaningful and memorable Pesach.
2:00-2:10: Greetings / Drop of tasting session goodies in Social Hall
2:10-3:25: Adult Sessions in Lower Level Classrooms OR Young Families Seder in Social Hall
3:30 - 4:00: Tasting Session in Social Hall
Join Beth Pearson and Rabbi Whinston for a special Seder experience designed for tots, pre-schoolers and elementary aged children and their parents. Enjoy a brief seder with songs and stories along with a seder plate making activity. Afterward, join other Preparing for Pesach participants for a Pesach food tasting and some schmooze time.
Hosting Your First Seder: Never hosted a Seder before? Want to get tips and tricks from an experienced host? This session, hosted by Trina Fuller, will be full of ideas to make your very first Seder easy, fun, and delicious!
Multigenerational Seder: Do you have members of many generations at your Seder table? Toddlers to Teens to Grandmas? Find “That Sweet Spot”. How to structure your Seder to include, not bore, participants of all ages. Hosted by Zach Bernstein.
Social Justice Seder: How can you include meaningful social justice issues/discussions/prayers in your Seder? Consider points in your Haggadah that might lend themselves to such discussions. Learn about Haggadot with particular social justice approaches. Discover ways to prepare a socially responsible meal. Hosted by TBE’s Social Action Committee / Dayenu Circle.
Thinking Outside the Book: Are you looking for new ways to structure your Pesach observance? Explore alternatives and additions to a Haggadah-driven Seder. Can you act out the Exodus story? How do other countries observe Pesach? Could you move the entire Seder outdoors? What happens after dinner? Elaine Yeglic and Ari Marcotte host this session to give you ideas and resources for creating a “You-driven” Pesach.
Tasting & Schmoozing: After the learning sessions and Young Families Seder, there will be a tasting session in the Social Hall. Sample some desserts and sides and take home recipes for those you like! If you have a favorite Passover goodie that you would like to share, contact Deborah Katz at scebbyd@gmail.com.
Visit the Preparing for Passover Resource Page HERE.
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18 Sh'vat 5785
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